Exploratory research on factors involved in stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV and AIDS in access to work and health care services in the Dominican Republic

Funding agencies
Family Health International (FHI)
Implementing institutions
Proyecto Conecta
Principal investigator
Marija Miric
Co-principal investigator
Related publications
Miric M: “El estigma social desde la teoría de la comunicación humana de Paul Watzlawick”, Paradigmas, Año II, No.3., January 2004; Santo Domingo, R.D.

Miric M: “Estigma y discriminación: Vinculación y Demarcación”, Paradigmas, Año I, No.2., August 2003; Santo Domingo, R.D.


The progressive loss of boundaries of the stigma concept within the social sciences is stated, as well as its frequent confusion with other concepts and social phenomena associated to its manifestations, elucidating specifically its relationship to the negative social discrimination. 

Some distinctive characteristics of stigma phenomenon are proposed regarding the particular emotional reaction and the rationalizations that accompany it, the idea of contagiousness, and the suppression of stigma, as a starting point for a correct demarcation of this concept in the future.

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