Dr. Marija Miric, M.A., Ph.D.

2OiH Chief Executive Officer

Clinical psychologist (2001) with a Masters Degree in Research Methodology (2004), and a PhD in Social Psychology (2015). She has completed a fellowship in the Miami-Fogarty AIDS/TB International Training and Research Program, held at the University of Miami School of Medicine in 2002, and has continued collaboration with the Fogarty Program as an in-country fellow and the Dominican Fogarty Team Leader, developing HIV and stigma-related research in the Dominican Republic. 

For more than 15 years, she has been designing and conducting health related and community based social research in the Dominican Republic, focused on vulnerable populations, including topics of maternal and child health, quality of public health services and HIV-related stigma, while working with large interdisciplinary teams and community networks. 

Her experience at the Presidential Council for AIDS (2002-2006) involved training medical students in participatory research methodology and community-based health promotion and prevention activities, resulting in an outstanding impact on stigma reduction and the quality of life of vulnerable youth groups in marginalized sectors of Santo Domingo. Her PhD thesis has focused on theoretical and empirical analysis of stigma phenomenon in Dominican culture, from a micro-sociological perspective. 

She has worked as Associate Director for Data Integration and Research at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Dominican Republic (2016-2018), providing technical assistance on topics related to research methodology, analysis and interpretation of programmatic and epidemiological data on HIV and AIDS epidemic in the country. 

Dr. Miric has conducted research projects funded by the Dominican Ministry of Health, UNICEF, UNAIDS, UNFPA, the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), World Vision, Family Health International, the Population Council, the French Agency for Research on AIDS (ANRS) and the World Bank, amongst other local and international agencies.
